Strategy Playmaker Dice

Sale price$8.50 USD

Snag this pair of dueling Strategy dice as backup for standard game dice, or as a team Strategy Playmaker for on-field Ultimate play. 

This pair of sleek Ultimate dice come with 6 different options per team. White dice are used during offensive player actions. Black dice are used during defensive player actions. Switch dice during turnovers to ensure each team has the correctly aligned strategy options.

*Strategy dice come standard in all Huck + Monster Pickup gamekits. This expansion pack is for backup, or gifting.

Backup Rollers

Add an extra set of Strategy Dice to any Pickup Gamekit. Include these custom Ultimate Dice as a backup, or as a gift for that very special Ultimate enthusiast.

Standard Strategy

This pair of strategy dice is perfectly balanced for even game play on Offense and Defense. So good, we've included a set with every Gamekit.

Social Roll

Follow @Huckandmonster on Instagram to tag your team Ultimate photos, and climb to the top of the Huck + Monster social media story feed.

Tabletop Ultimate Gameplay + Strategy

Huck + Monster Pickup Gamekits are available in three different starting configurations, providing a variety of field styles, strategy options, and personalized game setups.

Expandable Gameplay + Strategy

Customize your Pickup Gamekits with an extended collection of game play options. Improve game travel-ability with Field Bags, or extend game rules to include Mini Games, personalized players, or disc colors.